🎨 paintings 🆕


2017 and older:

the picture show the name of the Doctor, written in Gallifreyan Font, which consists of lots of round dotted and lined circles, in black ink; on a dark and lightblueish space background with many tiny white stars   'Catan', 2013 - the picture shows a sundown, in red, orange and yellow, in front you see the silhouette of a town, just like Catan (Boardgame) 'Lost Woods', 2016; the picture show a green froest background, purple flowers and above a glittering little fairy in bright turqouise and white coloured- Navi from Zelda, video game the painting shows a colourful salamander with bright yellow, orange,dark and light blue stripes on a dark green and mint green background

2 Kommentare:

  1. 1000 dank für das wunderschöne Bild �� Ich werde es in Ehren halten ��.

    Simon von www.kulturschog.de

